It is the nicest work ever assumed by any person to deal with curious minds. The greatest care should be taken in the education of children, to vary the manner of instruction so as to call forth the high and noble powers of the mind. Parents and schoolteachers are certainly disqualified to educate children properly if they have not first learned the lessons of self-belief, power of desire to be the greatest personality in the universe, self-control, patience, forbearance, gentleness, and love. What an important position for parents, guardians, and teachers! There are very few who realize the most essential wants of the curious and powerful mind, and how to direct the developing intellect, the growing thoughts and feelings of children.
we firmly believe that the habits, principles and experience of the teacher should be considered of even greater importance than his literary qualifications. If he/she is a passionate and sincere teacher, he/she will feel the necessity of having an equal interest in the physical, mental, moral, theoretical, practical and spiritual education of his/her students. In order to exert the right influence, he/she should have perfect experience and control over himself, and his own heart should be richly imbued with love and care for his/her students, which will be seen in his/her lectures, looks, words, and actions. He/she should have firmness of character, and then he/she can mold the minds of his/her students, as well as instruct them in the sciences.
Best Wishes,
Directors, JEE